powered by science

Science With Love

KANZEN Skincare's active ingredient, which is currently patent pending, was originally developed as a practical and beneficial solution for cut and scar management in hospitals and care facilities. The brand's mission was to bridge the gap between nature and science by gaining a scientific understanding of the human body, which in turn enabled them to create a robust range of scientifically proven formulas that are environmentally friendly and sustainable.

Katie - London based singer

Katie utilised the liquid for 30 days and the results were night and day! Katie stated; "Granted I didn't see a change instantly, but by day 9 the effects were truly noticeable and i think the everyday application gave my skin a gentle transition from red blemish to clear, which is great! I loved that my skin had no dryness or reactions when using KANZEN.”

30 days before and after

11 days before and after

Georgia - London based model

Georgia approached KANZEN for some skin advice, we sent her a bottle of our antibacterial cleansing water to use daily and our pre makeup bacteria barrier to take with her on any shoots she may have and apply before any makeup application - Within 7 days she saw what can only be described as a dramatic change in skin tone and texture and by the 10th day her skin had completely cleared up. Georgia stated; “It’s so clear to see that not only has it taken away my rash after 10 days it’s has smoothed my pores and brightened my tone :) Very happy with the results.”

Shiela - Suffering From menopausal rosacea

Shiela is a 57 year old retail worker, who developed the skin condition rosacea which affects women between the ages of 30 and 60 when women can begin menopause. Unfortunately, the hot flashes that come with menopause were enough to trigger a rosacea flare-up, after utilising the KANZEN pore purifier and cleansingwater alongside her regular moisturising routine saw a dramatic improvement after 14 days. As you can see below the redness of the skin was visibly reduced Shiela also stated that the skin felt softer and healthier on touch going on to say “I can’t believe the difference in my skin I went from not wanting to go outside to popping to the shops makeup free, the difference has been huge.”

14 days before and after